Creating an AMS Transaction






Broker Reference #


Enter the broker reference number.  This is the number that identifies the shipment for the broker.

Shipper Reference #


Enter the shipper’s reference number.  This is the number that identifies the shipment for the client/shipper.

Transaction Location


The location that the AMS transaction is being initiated.  The branch office will default from the user profile.  If you’d like to change this, click the ellipsis and choose the location from the pick-list.



This is the customer for this AMS transaction.  Click the ellipsis and choose the client from the pick-list.  You can view the client’s profile by clicking the information button, after choosing the client.

Bill To


This is the bill-to party for this AMS transaction.  Click on the ellipsis to choose the bill-to party from the pick-list.  You can view this party’s profile by clicking the information button, after choosing the bill-to party.  

Fee Schedule


This is the fee schedule to use, when billing for this AMS transaction.  The fee schedule for the bill-to party will default, after you choose the bill-to party.  Click the ellipsis to choose the fee schedule from the pick-list.  

Create Bill


Click to prepare the bill for this AMS transaction.  This can also be done after the AES is completed.  See the Billing section of this manual for more details.

Open AES


Once you’ve completed this AMS transaction screen, click this button to open the AES/Shipper’s Export Declaration screen.  This will auto-save your transaction.