The advanced search is a great feature to use for a more refined search of the HTS. This advanced search will allow you to search the Tariff Number, Long Description, or the Short Description.
The first choice is Tariff Number, which you would use for a partial tariff number search. This is most helpful when this partial number doesn’t contain the beginning of the tariff number.
***Note: If you know the beginning of the tariff number, then there is no need to do an advanced search. A basic search will be more effective.
The most significant feature of the advanced search is the ability to search for a tariff by description. This allows you to search the Long Description (full) and Short Description (Customs) for the correct tariff. This is where you should be especially careful when choosing search criteria, because these searches will display ALL results that contain the search criteria.
Example 1: Using the short description will result in a more specific search
Example 1 (Short):
Example 2: Searching by long description will usually give you more search results
Example 2 (Long):
***Note: Please be sure to read carefully before choosing a tariff. The wordings of the long and short descriptions vary, and you may only find the search criteria in 1 of the 2 descriptions. In each of these examples, "paper" is found in one description, but not in the other.