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1. You are unable to get backups of your data (you don't own your data).
False. We have several options for backups. We can make backups available through FTP upon request.

2. If your Internet connection goes down, your data is lost.
False. Since our systems are different than traditional applications we save your data in case of a computer crash or a complete internet outage.  Just like Microsoft Word's auto-save feature.

3. SmartBorder is unable to integrate with your accounting or freight systems.
False.  Most of our customers have had customizations done for integration within their accounting or freight systems.  We have several methods of this integration available.

4. If you don't pay on time; SmartBorder will shut you down.
False.  Like the phone company we send out several noticed giving ample time to contact us to work something out if you are having troubles paying for the service.  We will only shutoff an account if there has been no payment and no communication within an extended amount of time.

5. SmartBorder does not offer RLF or Remote Location Filing.
False. We have offered RLF since the beginning. Our AII and Entry modules fully support RLF and we continue to offer this out as an integrated add-on to SmartBorder.  Most of our brokers have RLF turned on and have been using it successfully for years.

6. Since South Ranch, Inc. is owned by Livingston International your customer and pricing data will be available to Livingston.
False. South Ranch is a separate entity of Livingston; we are legally obligated to never disclose this information. The ramifications of disclosing this information would be devastating personally as well as to the publicly traded business. In addition the Livingston staff does not have electronic or physical access to your data.

7. SmartBorder was developed for northern border transactions only, air/sea clearances are not handled efficiently.
False. Most of the brokers using SmartBorder are air/sea brokers. We have a very diverse application that supports all modes of transportation in a single easy to use interface.

8. 24/7 support is computer only support and you will not have access to an experienced support professional in a timely manner.
False.  Since our support staff is on call 24/7, we require support to be filed electronically.  Our staff is instructed to respond and take care of critical problems (clearance or technical) immediately.  Our responses are measured by minutes, not days or hours like the competition.

We know that US Customs shipments are time sensitive; we've invested heavily on keeping staff on call 24/7.  This is included for all SmartBorder customers.

9. Since SmartBorder is an application service provider you are risking your critical business data with a ".COM" online company.
False.  We are a profitable and stable company whose technology is required by the very people who own us.  If we were to not be profitable, SmartBorder must still stay online for our parent companies profit centers to operate.

10. You will outgrow SmartBorder as you grow your business with more users and more office locations.
False.  We have some of the nation's largest brokers with thousands of users using our software daily.  We currently have the capacity to handle 4x as many transactions as they can currently produce.  Our systems can be scaled outwards providing limitless power to process transactions.
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